If you are a "green" business looking to advertise your products or services, we may be able to help.
Greenfootsteps.com currently enjoys around 90,000 page views per month and around 1500 visitors a day (figures for January 2012).
Greenfootsteps' traffic comes from around the world, with readers from the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and India being the most common visitors. Around 60% of visitors are from the USA.
There are also significant numbers from places as diverse as Sweden, Singapore and Mexico - so that's a lot of people who will be seeing your ad!
Greenfootsteps is concerned with genuine green issues and products. We try to give a balanced view of the options available to readers. Advertising network ads will be limited on pages with private ads. The aim is to keep a clean-looking and user-friendly site that helps our readers towards a greener lifestyle.
At Greenfootsteps there are no annoying pop-ups or "pop-unders" to distract visitors. Advertising is carefully monitored to avoid distracting and aggressive advertisements, although it is not currently possible to vet every single network ad.
Competition for green businesses is fierce. Take advantage of our growing traffic to advertise your goods or services.
Here are the advertising rates, correct from January 2011. Please use the contact form below to book your ad or to make an enquiry. Please specify which page(s) you wish to place your ad(s) on. Prices are for all pages except the home page.
Please note:
All advertisements which contain a link will have "nofollow" tags included in the code.
This is because we are selling advertisements, not page rank (PR). This is in line with search engine good practice.
Prices quoted for an advert close to the top of the page, on the right or left of the page.
Boxes can be left or right aligned.
Different shaped boxes, banners, etc may be used. Prices by negotiation - use the rates above to get an idea of likely costs. Prices may be slightly higher than quoted on some very popular pages but for the most part, the prices above are what you can expect to pay.
All prices are in GB pounds sterling. You can pay by PayPal, a UK cheque, or other methods by arrangement.
It is now standard practice to disclose revenue sources of one's site. This site is able to continue because of the support of sponsors, advertisers and some affiliate links.
While it is impossible to control every single advertisement on the site fielded by third-party sites, we endeavour to make sure that advertisements generally conform to the ethics of the site. We will never knowingly promote products that we regard as sub-standard or harmful. All products recommendations on the site are done so in good faith and in the sincere belief that people will find items which are useful to them in the quest for a greener, healthier life.
If you believe that there are products recommended or advertised which do not fit with the ethics of the site, please use the contact form to let us know. Thank you.
Please see the Disclaimer and Disclosure page for more about this.
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What our readers say...
I've just fallen into your website and wanted to say how great it is!! I've got a lot of cheap ideas and when you're on a tight budget - that's vital! - Gail, NZ
Your site has been an exceptional resource as I have sought to modify my lifestyle. - Art, US
Just a big thank you for all the info! - Estelle, US
Loved your simple, clear approach. Thanks for the many great tips. - Laura, AUS
I found your Web site fascinating... - Steve, US