Vegan Benefits for Health and Longevity

Do vegan benefits include a longer and healthier life? 

This article maintains that they do and that the reasons for this are found in the negative effects of dairy foods and meat upon our health.

The article outlines some of the reasons why more and more people are choosing a vegan lifestyle and discovering the many benefits of veganism. In particular, it examines the role of meat, eggs and milk in disease.

With thanks to the staff at Gobble Green

Why Vegans Live Longer

Vegans live an average of 6-10 years longer than meat eaters. Indeed, a recent study by The German Cancer Research Center found that, by not eating meat, men and women reduced their risk of premature death by 50% and 30% respectively. 

An examination of why vegans enjoy longer, healthier lives than omnivores reveals that both dairy and meat products contribute to the development of most life-threatening diseases.

Healthy milk?

The milk ads that state “it does a body good” have no evidence to support this claim.

In fact, while cows' milk contains perfect amounts of fat and protein for calves, it has far too much fat to be healthy for human consumption.

Milk also contains pesticides, chemicals, hormones, and blood. Blood!!?? Yes, blood. Horrifyingly, the USDA permits milk to contain 1.5 million whiteblood cells per milliliter. The machinery used to milk dairy cows causes the bovines’ mammary glands to become cut and infected, so when you purchase milk it will always contain a certain percentage of cow blood and pus.

According to the Centre for Science in the Public Interest and The Wall Street Journal, 38% of milk samples in ten US cities were contaminated with dangerous levels of sulfa drugs and other harmful antibiotics when randomly tested.

Dairy product consumption has been linked to an increased chance of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Eggs and cholesterol

Happy free-range hens

The consumption of eggs has also been linked to life-threatening diseases.

Eggs are high in cholesterol and are a major contributor to clogged arteries, high blood pressure, heart disease, and strokes. Did you know that one egg contains 300 milligrams of cholesterol? Since the recommended maximum daily cholesterol intake is 300 milligrams per day according to The American Heart Association, eating just one egg means that you have already reached your daily cholesterol limit. Moreover, according to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men who eat six or more eggs per week have a 23% increased risk of early death and diabetics who eat any eggs have an increased risk of early death.

A number of scientific studies have concluded that humans do not need to consume meat to be healthy and that eating meat is, unquestionably, detrimental to your health and longevity. Meat is high in saturated fat and contains traces of the hormones and chemicals with which farmers inject their livestock. Given this information, it is not surprising that meat eaters are more likely to develop a number of debilitating conditions like anemia, arthritis, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, gall stones, gout, high blood pressure, and obesity to name a few. People who don’t eat meat have to go to the hospital 22% less often than people who do eat meat.

Live a healthier, longer life. Enjoy some vegan benefits. Go vegan!

A bit about Gobble Green

If you are interested in learning more about the correlation between veganism and longevity and other vegan benefits, Gobble Green recommends the following books:

1. No More Bull! The Mad Cowboy Targets America’s Worst Enemy: Our Diet written by Howard F. Lyman, Glen Merzer, and Joanna Samorow-Merzer

2. The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D

Sources to support the information in this report can be found at the following websites:


This article was supplied by the staff at Gobble Green, the vegan wholefood company, copyright Gobble Green 2010.

Please note that the views expressed above are not necessarily the views of Greenfootsteps.

Green living vegan benefits

There are also further vegan benefits to be found in the fact that a vegan lifestyle has less impact upon the planet and is more sustainable. There are many statistics which support this view. The pressure on land is far less and water is also less of an issue; meat and dairy production is generally resource heavy. 

If you adopt a vegan diet (for at least some of the time) you will discover some of the benefits of veganism for yourself. You will almost certainly be reducing your carbon footprint at the same time.

Vegan meals can be amazing - delicious and varied. I know some excellent vegan cooks who produce exquisite food. Herbs and spices are used to create subtle and intriguing dishes which desrve to be more widely known and used. 

I'll add as many vegan recipes as I can. Please feel free to add your own favourite vegan recipes - just click on the Add Your Tips button and follow the easy instructions.

Some other related pages

Other pages which may interest you:

Vegetarian Benefits for Your State of Mind

A Sustainable Pescatarian Diet for Health and Fitness

Natural Cures for Prostate Cancer - Do They Exist? which looks at the role of a vegan diet in treating this type of cancer.


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"Vegan Benefits for Health and Longevity"

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